Terms and Conditions

Photography is my passion, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to help caputre some of the best moments in the fandom. To protect my artistic vision and sustain my photography endeavors, I've introduced a new policy. This policy allows for digital sharing with attribution while safeguarding my creative integrity. Your support, whether through authorized prints or commercial use, helps me invest in better gear and continue capturing remarkable moments. Thank you for being part of my creative journey, and together, we'll keep crafting and sharing beautiful stories.

Digital Sharing with Attribution

Starting 2/1/2021, I invite individuals and organizations to download and share my digital photographs from my designated platform(s) for non-commercial purposes, such as personal use, social media posts, blogs, or educational projects. To share my photos, I kindly ask that you:

  • Credit Colby the Husky: Include proper attribution by mentioning "Colby the Husky" as the photographer whenever you use one of my images. If posting on social media, you may tag one of my appropriate channels.
  • Preserve the Watermark: Whenever possible, I appreciate it if you can leave my watermark intact on the image as a symbol of respect for my work.

My digital channels are always kept up to date on my Furtree page: https://colby.dog

Prints and Commercial Use

If you wish to print any of my photographs or use them for commercial or non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to advertisements, merchandise, publications, or any form of commercial distribution, you must obtain authorization from Colby the Husky. This can be done through one of the following methods:

  • Purchase Prints through Colby the Husky: High-quality prints of my photographs can be purchased directly through Colby the Husky. This ensures that you receive professionally printed reproductions of my work.
  • Obtain a Release Form: For special cases where you require printing rights for specific photographs, you can contact us to request a release form. This form will list the individual photos you wish to print, and upon approval, it will grant you the necessary permissions for authorized printing.

How to purchase prints or release forms:

Please visit my Ko-Fi shop for these items:

Ko-Fi Shop

Copyright Notice

All photographs produced by Colby the Husky and published on Colby the Husky's platforms, websites, and any other digital or physical media are protected by copyright law. Copyright for all images remains with Colby the Husky. This means that:

  1. Ownership: Colby the Husky is the sole owner of the copyright to all photographs, and this ownership extends to all aspects of the work, including but not limited to reproduction, distribution, public display, and adaptation.
  2. Permission for Digital Sharing: As stated in this release, I grant permission for non-commercial digital sharing of my photographs under certain conditions, as outlined above. However, this permission does not transfer ownership of the copyright or grant any additional rights beyond what is explicitly mentioned in this release.
  3. Commercial and Print Use: Any commercial use or printing of my photographs without proper authorization, as described in the release, is strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.

I kindly request all users and admirers of my photography to respect my copyright and adhere to the terms outlined in this release. Unauthorized use or distribution of my work will be viewed as a violation of copyright law.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in protecting the creative rights of Colby the Husky.